Thursday, March 18, 2004

As an attorney I have to say, if anyone wants to pay me a 23 million retainer or, better yet, flat fee, I would certainly be willing to accept it. - Skilling budgets $23 million for defense

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Once again the debate of hit lists (though in this case at least there was not actual murder encouraged) on the internet. One should remind these people who are so full of hate that if a junior high kid was caught in school with such a list, he or she would probably get expelled or sent to jail for terrorism. Maybe the Justice department needs to put a little effort and money into these hate sites. - Blacklist of patients who've sued taken off Web

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Several of the biggest email providers have banded together to sue some of the biggest spammers. Once again a gorilla is attempting to kill the ants in its cage by pinching their heads off. Of course I say that without knowing what the results of this litigation will be. We may well see s slight drop off of the semi-legitimate activities of the spoofers and spamers if the big boys can nail a few. It will hit equilibrium soon, though, and spam will be back. The way the CAN SPAM act is written, they can pretty much spam at will as long as they don't lie. Still, it does feel good to stick it to some folks, and as a lawyer I have to say we legal-eagles love big long complicated lawsuits at hourly rates.
No, the real answer to spam, and file sharing, and everything else on the Internet is going to be technological and informational change, not litigation. Litigation is slow, computers are fast. - Internet providers join forces to sue hundreds of spammers

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Edward Kennedy has taken the unusual step of suggesting to the members of the 11th court of appeals that one of them should challenge Pryor's recess appointment sua sponte. While that would certainly be unusual and in my view unlikely, it might bring the problem of Rove's end-around strategy into light much faster. In any case, I pity to parties who must consider raising the issue. Letter
It seems that ENRON was not the only company suspected of manipulating prices. I suppose it is not all that surprising given the climate, but this could bring some interesting things to light. - Feds to indict Reliant subsidiary
I have discovered that there is actually a converter out there to modify the Atom file into a RSS file. Oh how wise I am.
There are so many new things to learn, especially if you are supposed to become some sort of journalist overnight. For one thing, I can't figure out the whole RSS feed thing, at least not with Blogger. Bah.

Monday, March 08, 2004

So how many blogs would a blog spot blog if a blog spot could spot blogs? Or, in otherwords, how much is an online journal of my thoughts and intrigues if I can't be bothered to actually record them? Well, I think I am going to give it one more try.
Faith, here’s an equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God’s sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven. O, come in, equivocator. -Shakespeare, Macbeth: 3.2.9-12