Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Barring 5th Circuit intervention, the Bible is on its way out.

Well it's official. Harris County (via the talented Frank Sanders) has filed its notice of appeal. They also filed an Emergency Motion to Stay Final Judgment, which was summarily slapped down by the judge in this three page order. What this means is the County must remove the Bible from the monument before midnight tonight unless they are granted an emergency stay from the 5th circuit.

There are three or four elements that Harris County must show to be granted a stay of the injunction requiring the bible be removed (from Ruiz v. Estelle, 650 F.2d 555, 565 (5th Cir. 1981).) It must show a likelihood of success on appeal, irreparable injury to the County if the stay is not granted, that granting the stay would not substantially harm Ms. Staley and that granting the stay would be in the public interest.

Here are some quotes to summarize the judge's opinion:

Likelihood of success:

"The County's motion merely incorporates the arguments and authorities it used during and after trial" -page 3

Irreparable Injury:

"In this case compliance with the injunctive requirements of the Final Judgment will not moot the appeal because if the County succeeds in its appeal, the status quo ante can be reestablished by ordering that the Bible be returned to the monument."

Harm to Other Parties and Public Interest:

"...staying the court's injunction would substantially harm the plaintiff because it would permit a continuing violation of plaintiff's First Amendment rights. The fact that the county has violated the plaintiff's frights for years does not mean that the violation should be allowed to continue."

My Analysis:

I don't blame anyone for trying. I think Stafford had the right idea with not even challenging the removal in the first place, but I also understand that he has a constituency (client?...naw) who will be very upset if they didn't even go through the motions for a losing argument. It was a losing argument though. At some point tonight before midnight and after (I predict) the 5th circuit denies a temporary injunction, the Bible will be removed from the case.

Post Script:

I forgot my favorite part of this part of the appeal. You may remember that the court already awarded attorney's fees to the plaintiffs, well now this:

"Staley's attorney has submitted an Affidavit stating that he expended 15 hours in preparing Staley's answer to the County's Emergency Motion to Stay Final Judgment, and requesting an award of an additional $3,375.00 in attorney's fees. That request is GRANTED."

The Chronicle is also reporting on this at: "Judge says courthouse Bible display must go now."

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Faith, here’s an equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God’s sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven. O, come in, equivocator. -Shakespeare, Macbeth: 3.2.9-12