Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Mandates

The saga continues, and by saga I mean rumors. The favorite rumor is still that [old guy] is coming back. People are starting to call others and ask “do you think [old guy] is still pissed off about that thing I did in 1987?” The answer invariably seems to be “yes.” I’m still a short-timer, so I just tell everyone what I think about [old guy]. My mantra these days is “what are they going to do, fire me?”

Everyone else is worrying about the possibility of staffing changes. New boss wants everyone to update their resume. The agency I work for is big enough that I find it difficult to believe new boss will read all these resumes. Still, I think it is a good idea and if I ever get elected to a position like that I will do it too. For one thing, it is a nice little reminder that even though staffing changes are unlikely, we will all work for new boss soon. For another thing, it is good for a lot of long-term employees who haven’t written a resume in fifteen years. Speaking as someone who just did it myself, it helps you think about what you do for a living, which in an agency like mine can change over time.

For some people, though, the resume is pretty short, about as long as their name. Yes, some of my co-workers have the opposite reaction to the new administration…they know the new boss already. There is talk that some people who are working the trenches right now could be elevated above their current bosses. It makes the current bosses think hard about how they treated their employees.

The rumors continue, and I continue closing cases in anticipation of leaving. It is a very interesting time, and I kind of wish I could stick around to see it through.

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Faith, here’s an equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God’s sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven. O, come in, equivocator. -Shakespeare, Macbeth: 3.2.9-12