Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Massachusetts can continue to perform gay marriages whether people like it or not, So says the First Circuit court of Appeals.

In summation:

"The resolution of the same-sex marriage issue by the
judicial branch of the Massachusetts government, subject to
override by the voters through the state constitutional amendment process, does not plausibly constitute a threat to a republican form of government."

Now I don't meant to nit pick, but this kind of case is a hail mary anyway. It was unlikely (in my opinion) that any court would actually want to get into the middle of a debate like this. In fact, I am surprised that they didn't kick this case on a jurisdictional finding. Go figure.

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Faith, here’s an equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God’s sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven. O, come in, equivocator. -Shakespeare, Macbeth: 3.2.9-12