Thursday, November 06, 2008


Well I gave it a couple of days to settle in. As I mentioned before, I work for an elected official, and that elected official has just been, er, un-elected. The mood around the office is a little quiet. The more risk-adverse people are wandering by saying “we’re all going to get fired.” Others, including myself, have a more pragmatic view, that certainly some people will not be reappointed, but that will be a distinct minority. It seems I am correct, because word has come down from the official-elect that he does not intend to fire anyone. (Presumably he assumes that the political positions will be vacated on a voluntary basis).

From what I can see, when you have a large professional staff, it would be lunacy to fire everyone. What may happen, however, is a major restructuring. That will not be as personal, but it may have drastic effects on the efficacy of the office to actually carry out its statutory mandate (as distinguished from its electoral mandate). If you work in a specialized field, it will be unwise for the new boss to move you out and put someone without those skills in your position. I feel comfortable that the new boss will realize that.

Once again, I am leaving my position for reasons unrelated to the election. Because I do not have a dog in this hunt, I think I can watch it with a lot more neutrality.

It’s gonna be fun.

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Faith, here’s an equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God’s sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven. O, come in, equivocator. -Shakespeare, Macbeth: 3.2.9-12